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Security Solutions

Around the world, the Fast Express Logisticss brand is recognized for providing security and trust to our customers. Fast Express Logisticss also provides logistics services and security-related solutions in many countries, extending the value of 150 years of excellence to our customers.

Secure Logistics

Our secure logistics solutions are founded on the Safelux's secure transportation service. Coupled with our comprehensive services, you can virtually manage risk throughout your logistical process. Services include:

  • Risk management throughout your logistical process, including:
    • Packing
    • Pick-up
    • Secure Storage
    • Inventory Management
    • Pick & Pack
    • Customs Clearance
    • Consolidation
    • Airline Handling
    • Secure Transportation
    • Cash Processing
    • Replenishment
    • Delivery
  • We understand that supply chain logistics is an ever-moving series of processes, rather than lots of individual operations working independently of each other. Therefore, inefficiency in one part of the supply chain can have an adverse impact on overall company efficiency.
  • We offer one dedicated provider to manage pick-up, transit and delivery. You will have one point of contact, one procedure and one process throughout.
  • Our specialized transport services include:
    • Air and sea freight
    • Air charters (fixed wing & helicopters)
    • Armored trucks and trailers
    • Armored messengers
    • Customized services to suit your business
  • Proactive risk assessment of the supply chain.
  • Constant implementation of experience gained during 150 years of existence.

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